Same Ground
Daryl Feril 다릴 페릴 x Kitae Park 박기태
video projection on acrylic sheet & xcs board, cotton thread,
video, color, sound, 4 min loop
180cm x 80cm
Cycle 004: Artist Collaboration Residency, Gwangju, South Korea
In a society that is diverse as the advanced society and technology, it is possible to scale down and select a channel that suits one’s preference which results to building territories. But thinking about the distinction between borders and cities as we travel between islands, you may look at the way the sea meets the river and feel that boundaries and divisions are imaginary. In fact, we are all connected. With the air, the water, the earth, and the common emotions and instincts–we just don’t recognize it well.
In this collaboration between two artists living in two different territories, they reflect on how individuals and society create its own boundary on environmental conditions that are favorable and adaptable to their well-being. Through interpersonal interactions within the duration of their residency, Kitae Park & Daryl Feril made use of 3-dimensional topographic map installation projected with visual imagery of natural elements, human interactions and activities to show that even with our individual boundaries we are interconnected, often in invisible ways.